Show Features 2018
Friday Night's Entertainment - Zac Walsh and the Young Guns sponsored by Woolnorth Wind Farm Holding Pty ltd
WSM Freestyle Entertainment
Back by popular demand, the Scottsdale Show is proud to present WSM Freestyle Entertainment over two days. 100% Tasmanian owned and operated free style motor cross stunt show. Times for performances are: Friday 5.30pm and 7.30pm, Saturday 10.00am, 11.30 am and 1.30pm. Please note, if weather is wet, WSM may decide not to perform. WSM will have International Motocross star Shaun Webb along side them at this years show.
Mechanical Bull - Free to all Show Patrons
Back by popular demand, Phil and his mechanical bull will be at this year's show for all ages to enjoy. Free to patrons to enjoy and experience. Join in and test your skill. Lots of laughs and family fun.
Phil will be ready for patrons to have ago from Friday 4.00pm to 10.00pm and on Saturday 10.00am to 2.00pm.
Please note times may change due to conditions.
Phil will be ready for patrons to have ago from Friday 4.00pm to 10.00pm and on Saturday 10.00am to 2.00pm.
Please note times may change due to conditions.
Animal Nursery - Proudly Sponsored by Greenham

Our Animal Nursery is a special place to visit for the whole family. You can interact with the cute baby animals and see how splendid nature can be. In the nursery there will be calves, guinea pigs, goats, ducklings and lots more and of course, our Chicken Breeders will be showing off their best birds and this year we are introducing Rabbits.
Just Cats will be there and if you want to take a kitten/cat home, that is the perfect place to go.
Pet Parade for children only will be held on Saturday outside the Animal Nursery staring at 10.30am. No need to have an entry form, just came along and register beforehand. A great way to show off and be proud of your beloved pet.
Come along and enjoy our displays which will be open on both days.
Crazy Bikes
Crazy Bikes specializes in creating unusual bikes to ride. An interactive and fun event to test your skills on riding challenging/unusual, hard and almost impossible bike or just ride and have fun. It is up to you.
Crazy Bikes sets up a safe, controlled area where these bikes can be ridden. Fun for all the family on both days of the show. Friday3.00pm - 7.00pm and Saturday 9.00am - 3.00pm Visit their website to find out more. |
Ben -Caricaturist - Free to Patrons
Due to popular demand, Ben is back showing the features of his/her subject in a simplified or exaggerated way through sketching, pencil strokes, or through other artistic drawings. Come along a let Ben show what he sees and enjoy a laugh. Great for all ages.
Ben will be at the show both days. Friday 9.00am -7.00pm and Saturday 9.00am - 2.30pm |
Social Circus Workshop - Proudly sponsored by Woolworths Limited
The Social Circus Workshop is coming to this year's Scottsdale Show. A playful and colourful circus workshop which will delight patrons of all ages with learning skills like juggling, spinning plates and hula hoops. Balancing and games are also offered encouraging teamwork and performing. A fun way to interact.
Workshop will be held on Friday 3.00pm - 7pm and on Saturday 10.00am - 2pm. Visit their website to find out more.
And Don't Forget ...........
The Scottsdale Show offers lots more to see and do.
- Side Show Alley will be in full swing with rides that will delight and thrill. THE DODGEM CARS ARE BACK.
- Face Painting will be free to patrons in the Stadium.
- Fashion Parade will be held on Friday Night at 7.00pm in the Football Club Rooms. Sponsored by Sue Rees Modelling and D & Me Fashions/Goods Sports with our gorgeous Taylor Clyne as MC.
- All Classes of Miss Show Girl and Master Tiny Tot will be held on Saturday in the Football Club Rooms starting at 11.00am sponsored by Bridestowe Lavender Estate. Register on the Saturday between 10.00am - 10.45am in the show office.
- Saturday Sheep Shearing.
- On Saturday, there will be Yard Dog Trails starting early in the morning. Sponsored by The Roach Family.
- Chopping will start up around 4.00pm on Friday Evening and a full program on Saturday.
- There will be a variety of trade stalls for you to purchase that special gift and sample the famous show food we all enjoy once a year.
- Scottsdale Show Equestrian events will be held on both days and these events are known to be one of the best in the state.
- Our two Pavilions will house; Home crafts, Arts and Crafts, Photography and Trade so there will be heaps to look at from the wonderful blooms of the North East to gifted cooks, talented needle workers and of course our inspired artists and photographers.
- And don't forget our Stock Classes - Cattle Handlers, Dairy, Beef and Prime Cattle and Lamb, Rabbits and Poultry.
- Pet Parade is held on Saturday and is a favourite for the children. Bring you pet along and enter on the day. Starts at 10.30am. Register before.